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2 Player Head Basketball

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If you’re a basketball fan and so is your is friend, this game is a perfect choice for you both! You two can go head-to-head in a fast-paced basketball match, using your bobblehead players to score points and dominate the court. Who is going to win? Let’s see!

Challenge your friend to a basketball match!

Scoring points is great, but you gotta be strategic too. You can use all sorts of crazy moves, like jumping over your opponent’s head or knocking the ball out of their hands. You have to get that ball into the basket at all costs, and any tricks will do! And since your opponent is a real person, it’s much more exciting than battling it out with a predictable computer program. With every match, you will become more skilled at your favorite game and more in control of your character. Start right now and see for yourself!

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